Monday, September 8, 2014

Problems with Batman Arkham Knight's Release Date being June 2nd 2015

Just when problems can't get any worse, they just keep on getting worse as off today the people in charge of Rocksteady and Batman Arkham Games again act like the bearers of bad news by announcing the release date to be 9 months later from today and there has been no specific explaination who or why the people in charge of the game won't just make the release date of the game sooner!

A lot of fans are even more eager and desparate to want this and now the people of Rocksteady and those in charge of having the Arkham Games developed had to make things much worse by pushing the new games release date to a much later time in 2015 than sooner around the first quarter of the year like deadbeats who are slacking off!!

Who is in charge of the games developement and MORE SPECIFICALLY, why must the game's release be longer than sooner?

Please find out about this as soon as you can

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