Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Lists of possible real names for the Arkham Knight

While Batman Arkham Knight is still waiting to be released, the Arkham Knight is still specified to be voiced by James Horan but other than his identity, his real name is the other mystery many fans are trying to guess.

Well, here is a list of possible names that fit the Arkham Knight:

  • Trevor Killian
  • Terrance Mason
  • Raul Salazar
  • Carlos Menendez
  • Javier Sanchez
  • Tyler Williams
  • James Hudson
  • Frank Rumsfield
  • Kyle Harper
  • Roger Peterson
  • Hank Johnson
  • Charles Burks
  • Roarke Gilligan
  • Roger Hall
  • Henry Yeager
  • John Carridine
  • Ray Burton
  • Jack Carrigan
  • Max Henriksen
  • Crosby Woods
  • Cade Vanders
  • Mark Stephenson
  • Fred O'Brien
  • Rou Henderson
  • Ryan Miles
  • Miles Rayward
  • Will Jameson
  • Paul Jackson
  • Robert Validus

Monday, December 22, 2014

Why Ace Chemicals Trailer Part 2 is a Waste of Time

Today part two of Batman Arkham Knight Ace Chemicals trailer has been released in which many fans have desperately waited for may have featured awesome and destructive action scenes with the Batmobile but is was complete waste of time that it didn't show anymore scenes of Batman confronting the Arkham Knight.

The footage was great but the fact that it had to feature more of the Batmobile and less on the characters is what made the trailer a complete waste of time

Monday, December 8, 2014

The Specified and Speculated Voice Cast for Batman Arkham Knight

While Batman Arkham Knight is now 6 months away, here are the characters and the voices that we will see and expect to hear.

Kevin Conroy is Batman

Troy Baker is Arkham Knight

and Twoface

John Noble is Scarecrow

Tara Strong is  Oracle and Harley Quinn

Nolan North is the Penguin

Roger Craig Smith to voice Nightwing

Josh Keaton to voice Robin

Martin Jarvis is Alfred Pennyworth

David Kaye is Commissioner Gordon

CCH Pounder is Amanda Waller

Tony Todd to voice  Killer Croc

Andrew Divoff to voice Bane

Chris Cox for Deadshot

Mark Rolston is Deathstroke

Nika Futterman to voice Lynx

Robin Atkin Downes to voice Man Bat

Jerry Tondo to be the voice of Mark Cheung

Liam O'Brien to be the voice of Ace Chemicals worker

Cindy Robinson to voice Leslie Thompkins

Crispin Freeman to be the voice of the Red Hood

David Sobolov to voice King Kraken

Tasia Valenza voices Poison Ivy

Maurice LaMarche is the Calendar Man

Wally Wingert is the Riddler

To find out if all of this is true please stay tuned for more trailers and for the game Batman Arkham Knight to be released in order to confirm the cast in this article.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Interesting Spoilers on Batman Arkham Knight Game

While there are more trailers to the upcoming Batman Arkham Knight game are yet to arrive on the internet Potential spoilers that were leaked from a possible source by one of the Rocksteady's officials.

the list containing the spoilers that was said to have been leaked by one of Rocksteady's officials is right here

of course some of you can't read what it says because I don't want to ruin it for everyone but we will know once it

First off Nightwing and Tim Drake/Robin are mentioned to be playable in the main story

And second, yes Scarecrow is the main villain and leading mastermind in Batman: Arkham Knight an NO because of how disfigured the character looks in the picture below, Joker is not coming back from the dead and ending up impersonating him like Black Mask in Origins, which means the Scarecrow Batman is at war with is the same Scarecrow that hasn't been seen in Arkham City since Killer Croc took off with him in Arkham Asylum and with Johnathan Crane/Scarecrow as the main antagonist in the final chapter of the Arkhamverse, Batman: Arkham Knight is where he is sure to put his master plan into action.

Now for his mysterious partner, the Arkham Knight

As Batman's ultimate enemy, the character was revealed in the spoiler to be either Bruce Wayne's father Thomas Wayne (resurrected and twisted to the edge of sanity), his father's clone or his own mixed with his blood, Talia's donor and with the personality and traits of three of the Robins that fought beside him in the Arkhamverse which would explain why the cast director of the game casted Troy Baker as the character's voice when he was confirmed to be reprising his role as Two Face from Arkham City and for how original the character was said to be

For the Arkham Knight's army of thugs from Venezuela, they were said by Oracle to adress their leader as "The Arkham Knight"

To how Scarecrow and Arkham Knight could assemble an army of Black Ops soldiers from a foreign country could have been done with the help from someone with enough power and authorization besides the league of assassins

and from what the intel from the sheet above has stated, the person that is rumored to help Scarecrow and bring the Arkham Knight into existance is the one character seen in the secret ending to Arkham Origins and was thought to have been killed in the end of Assault on Arkham is none other than

Amanda Weller

Surely because of her fate in the end of Batman: Assault on Arkham that it does seem impossible for Amanda Weller to return in Arkham Knight but who knows, there is a lirrle chance that Deathstroke got through to her and the laser mark he pointed his sniper rifle at her head with was probably to get her to stop messing around with him and start acting more fair with him, surely her involvement in the game could help explain more on everything going on as she is rumored to have the Arkham Knight teaming up with the villains forming the Suicide Squad in the game and they are


Deathstroke (who is said to be maskless)


and a new villain to the Arkham franchise known as Lynx (a formitable enemy to one of the Robins)

The Joker is confirmed to return but not exactly from the dead, only as one of Scarecrow's most frequent nightmare illusions formulated from his fear toxins and in flashbacks of previous Arkham Games

As for the Man Bat, he was said to be in the game as well as one of the boss villains that Batman takes on in the game

In the sheet, Gordon is rumored to be the one that takes down the Scarecrow while Batman is busy fighting another villain that Crane hired as his muscle

King Kraken

The villain that Batman discovered inside the Final Offer's theater is rumored to be the final boss in the Arkhamverse's final chapter where Batman has to fight him while in a cloud of Scarecrow's fear gas.

The last thing that all of you will need to know is that one of the characters in this game will die but I am not going to tell you who it is and if anyone has read the sheets


To Find out for sure if the spoilers from the sheet are true, please stay tuned for more trailers to the game